Intro to Vice Video


Vice Hardware


2 Weeks


Video Production

  • Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


  • Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


    Vice Hardware


Brand Story


Our video's primary goal is to introduce you to the visionary behind Vice Hardware, showcasing the genesis of this venture in 2017. We aim to shed light on the exceptional qualities of his custom aluminum and titanium wallets while providing viewers with a sense of relatability. Step inside his workshop, witness the cutting-edge CNC equipment at play, and gain insight into why these unique wallets stand apart.


The challenge lay in seamlessly weaving the founder's personal narrative with showcasing the high-tech CNC equipment in action. Our mission was to create a video that not only connects viewers with the founder's vision but also highlights the precision behind his custom aluminum and titanium wallets.


We blended the founder's compelling narrative with captivating B-roll footage of his CNC equipment, resulting in a video that introduces his journey and spotlights the precision behind these distinctive wallets. By sharing his fears and doubts, we aim to make viewers feel a sense of relatability with his journey.

  • Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


You dream it, we make it real

  • Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


You dream it, we make it real

  • Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


You dream it, we make it real